TED Next 2024 Recap

A powerful dose of inspiration and perspective

TED Next is a new event from TED this year. You've likely heard of TED before; famous for talks that span a diverse set of topics by legends, celebrities, thought leaders, and groundbreaking leaders. The co-founders of Leadership Mastery Network attended the event this year, and this week's newsletter includes a few highlights and takeaways from the event.

In a rapidly changing world, TED Next stands as a beacon for the curious, the driven, and those seeking transformative ideas to inspire personal and professional growth. This unique event is more than just a conference; it combines the world's most innovative minds, diverse perspectives, and groundbreaking ideas. Here's a closer look at TED Next and why it should be on your radar for future growth, inspiration, and leadership development.

What is TED Next?

TED Next is designed to elevate TED’s mission of “ideas worth spreading” through forward-thinking conversations, hands-on workshops, and immersive experiences. This event will explore crucial topics shaping our future, from technology and sustainability to the latest in leadership, personal growth, and social impact.

Attendees range from visionary entrepreneurs and seasoned executives to scientists, artists, and thought leaders, all gathered with a shared goal: to explore big questions and practical solutions for a better tomorrow.

Why Attend TED Next?

Exposure to Cutting-Edge Ideas: TED Next delivers on TED’s promise to feature speakers who are leaders in their fields, from AI researchers to behavioral scientists, social change advocates to creative geniuses. This exposure to breakthrough insights broadens your understanding of global challenges and innovative solutions.

Imagine attending a talk on the future of artificial intelligence from a leading researcher or a workshop on sustainable business practices. The insights gained here can shape your approach to leadership, equipping you with foresight and fresh perspectives.

Connection over Networking: Most conferences are impersonal and focus more on selling than connecting. At TED Next, all attendees are open to having open and vulnerable conversations, sharing a passion for positive change, and creating an environment where discussions spark collaboration and new ventures. This community vibe fosters meaningful relationships with professionals who can challenge and support you in your leadership journey.

Personal and Professional Growth: TED Next is designed to help you take a step back and reflect. Each session encourages leaders to think deeply about purpose, values, and impact. Attending TED Next can lead to breakthroughs, inspire new goals, and even challenge you to redefine success.

“The best leaders are always learning,” says Brené Brown, and TED Next is a perfect place for that—each session adds to your toolkit as a leader.

Highlights from conversations from the 2024 event


  • If it’s not working start over

  • If it’s in not in alignment and you can’t be authentic it will be hard and won’t work

  • Hunger is not a scarcity problem it’s a logistics problem

  • Quantity over quality - don’t let perfectionism rob the world of a masterpiece

  • What can the next version of you be? 🔥 What resources do you need to get there?

  • We are not invalidated by admitting we were wrong

  • Sometimes getting profoundly lost can help you find yourself

  • Great storytelling should take less than 60 seconds

  • As a human we have the unique ability to connect to nature by listening


  • In order to be grounded in who we are, and who we want to be, we have to recognize our roots

  • Go into the spaces that scare you and bring out the light for others

  • We are the ones we have been waiting for

  • As leaders we need to let others speak first-be heard, create space, and we might find we change our mind

  • Reps of action creates confidence

  • Make peace with the knowledge that you can’t do everything

  • Get clear on your non negotiables—what is essential in times of pressure

  • Let ambition light us up, not burn us out

  • Success is not the same for everyone

  • We exist on this earth for more than contributing economic value

  • Instead of asking someone you meet “what do you do,” ask instead “what do you like to do”

  • Time is life

  • Success = achieving goals through and not at the expense of your values


  • Embrace the play that came so naturally when you were a child

  • We each have a play pattern that is as unique as our fingerprint--and if can point us towards our most fulfilling work

  • We rise by lifting others

  • Sometimes we need to just create space for others to be who they are

  • Respect the comfort of everyone in the room

  • I can be a masterpiece and a work in progress at the same time

  • Growing up requires pushing into the uncomfortable and choosing to grow

  • Freedom = the possibility to do many things

  • The antidote to loneliness is vulnerability

  • Be prolific, not perfect

  • Support pro-democracy movements

Practical Tips for Making the Most of TED Next

  • Plan Your Sessions: With so many exciting talks and workshops, prioritize sessions that align with your goals, but leave room for new topics that pique your interest.

  • Engage with Others: Take time to connect with other attendees—some of the best insights come from shared discussions during breaks or evening events.

  • Take Notes & Reflect: Keep a journal of insights and actionable takeaways, and revisit it after the event. Reflecting helps cement the learning and keeps inspiration fresh.

TED Next is a must for any leader committed to growth and impact. It’s an opportunity to immerse yourself in the ideas shaping our world and come away inspired, recharged, and ready to lead with clarity and purpose. Join us next year and let’s continue exploring the limitless possibilities of ideas worth spreading!

There are moments in life when a spark ignites your mind and heart. What follows next? Every small action, every bold step spreads that spark to others.
— Leadership Mastery Network

Badass Habits

Looking to build habits that not only stick but also transform your leadership? 💪🏼 Jen Sincero’s *Badass Habits* is a must-read!

This empowering guide breaks down the science of habit-building into actionable steps, with Jen’s signature mix of humor, real-world examples, and no-nonsense advice. Whether you’re aiming to lead more effectively, boost your productivity, or create lasting change in your team, *Badass Habits* offers the insights to help you build the habits of a successful leader.

📖 Get your copy today and start leading like a badass! 👊

Consider how many different pieces of content you see in any given week. See something that resonates with you? Share it with us to feature it in our Social Media of the Week section.

“Don’t overthink it. Start by taking one small step to learn, and grow; follow your curiosity and you may find the unexpected. You may find more of who you are.

— Leadership Mastery Network


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