
The Art of Leading Above and Below
Tamara White Tamara White

The Art of Leading Above and Below

"The Art of Leading Above and Below" equips you with strategies for effective leadership in all directions. Nurture relationships, embrace strategic thinking, and excel in your role while empowering your teams. Foster a culture of success by caring for your team's growth and fostering collaboration. Lead with adaptability and inspire greatness.

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Leadership Mastery: Unlocking Your Full Potential
Tamara White Tamara White

Leadership Mastery: Unlocking Your Full Potential

In this edition, we explore three pillars of leadership mastery: self-awareness, excelling in your role, and setting and achieving goals. Learn to unleash your inner leader by understanding your values, handling conflict, and fostering resilience. Maximize your impact by aligning actions with organizational goals, developing an influence plan, and identifying success levers. Chart a path to success by setting SMART goals, planning for obstacles, and investing in continuous growth. Embrace challenges and lead with passion and purpose on your journey to becoming an exceptional leader!

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Kelly White Kelly White


Unleash innovation by embracing the expert-novice balance. Explore Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act" and break free from limiting labels. Adopt a fresh perspective, fuel creativity, and discover groundbreaking ideas. Liberate your potential for limitless possibilities. Join us on this transformative journey.

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The Cost of Loyalty
Tamara White Tamara White

The Cost of Loyalty

Find the balance between loyalty and success in our Leadership Mastery Newsletter. Lead by example, evaluate alignment, seek visibility, build networks, and invest in personal growth. Loyalty is a two-way street for leadership excellence.

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Are You A Nodder?
Tamara White Tamara White

Are You A Nodder?

Discover the secrets of body language for effective leadership in our latest newsletter. Learn to decode cues, avoid misleading nods, and enhance your executive presence. Maximize your impact by leveraging nonverbal communication and creating lasting connections with your team. Harness the power of body language to foster better communication and build stronger relationships. Master the language of nonverbal communication for success!

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Unleashing Your Unique Leadership
Tamara White Tamara White

Unleashing Your Unique Leadership

Unlock your leadership potential with personal branding and differentiation. Discover your unique value and communicate it effectively. Embrace your talents, foster inclusivity, and unleash untapped potential. Continuous learning and feedback drive growth. Stand out as a leader and lead with authenticity. Additional resources for deeper insights provided.

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Your Leadership Reputation
Tamara White Tamara White

Your Leadership Reputation

Explore strategies for building, identifying, and safeguarding your leadership reputation. Take control, open doors, and leave a positive impression.

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Harnessing Reflection
Tamara White Tamara White

Harnessing Reflection

In our fast-paced and dynamic world, taking a moment to pause, assess, and recalibrate can make a remarkable difference in how we lead and inspire our teams. This practice of reflection serves as a catalyst for growth, enabling us to develop self-awareness, improve our leadership behaviors, and cultivate a positive impact on our organizations.

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Embracing Thought Leadership
Tamara White Tamara White

Embracing Thought Leadership

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, where information is abundant and competition is fierce, it's crucial to differentiate yourself and position yourself as a trusted authority within your industry. Thought leaders are those who have mastered this art, becoming the go-to voices for insights, knowledge, and advice. By embracing thought leadership, you can unlock new opportunities and drive meaningful change within your organization and industry.

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Beyond Age: Creating an Inclusive Workplace for All Generations
Tamara White Tamara White

Beyond Age: Creating an Inclusive Workplace for All Generations

As leaders, it's important for us to create inclusive and respectful work environments for all employees. Unfortunately, ageism is a form of discrimination that often goes unnoticed. Ageism is defined as prejudice or discrimination based on age, and it can take many forms in the workplace. In this newsletter, we'll discuss how to identify ageism, how it impacts those close to retirement, what to do when faced with ageism, and provide recommendations on how to deal with it.

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Uniquely You.
Kelly White Kelly White

Uniquely You.

Everyone always says “be yourself,” but what does that really mean?

As leaders, we are often taught to emulate, assimilate, and conform. We need to fit in and act like successful leaders around us to achieve our goals.

This is where your unique identity comes in. Your unique identity is like your fingerprint, and what makes you uniquely you.

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Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Discover the Practices That Can Help You Achieve Real Results
Tamara White Tamara White

Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Discover the Practices That Can Help You Achieve Real Results

As a successful executive, I have found that there are certain practices that have helped me achieve my goals. These practices have been outlined by Peter Drucker, aka the father of modern management, and I believe they are essential for effective leadership. In this newsletter, I will elaborate on each of these practices and explain how they can be applied to your own leadership style.

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If You Fear, Make it Work for You!
Tamara White Tamara White

If You Fear, Make it Work for You!

I was recently reading the book “Do it Scared” by Ruth Soukup and was compelled to reflect on the fear we often experience as leaders. It could be the concern about psychological safety in speaking up or confidence in the value recognized by the contributions we make.

As someone who has held leadership positions for several decades, I know firsthand how scary it can be to make decisions that have real consequences. There have been moments where my fear almost overwhelmed me, but I've learned that it's important to push through that fear and take action anyway.

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What are you looking for?
Kelly White Kelly White

What are you looking for?

Often when we think or talk about burnout, we focus on the triggers, symptoms, and tools to avoid or manage it. That may look different for different people, and the symptoms may get more extreme if you don’t take a different course of action (i.e. take a break!). These symptoms may be stress (physical or mental), fatigue, trouble sleeping, physical pains, distraction or trouble focusing, and many more.

This week instead of talking about how to identify burnout and what do to when you are experiencing it (because let’s be real avoiding it is pretty unrealistic), I wanted to talk about another symptom of burnout that we often ignore.

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In the ditch
Kelly White Kelly White

In the ditch

When we often talk about our life, career journeys, and lessons learned, we focus on the peaks and skip over the valleys.

It’s natural not to dwell on the challenges we have experienced, even when the most potent lessons sometimes lie in those valleys.

However, whether you are on a peak or valley, you will experience the reverse. Things will not go as planned and there will be challenges, disappointment, and loss. Those challenging times will also pass and you’ll find yourself on the other side as reminded by the saying “This too shall pass.”

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